Pitch coaching
In words and in presence
You have 3 minutes to pitch your business idea: 3 minutes. You are expert in the topic, but how expert is your audience? What do they need to hear? Of course, you want to engage your audience in a short and smooth way to your words and your appearance. But what are you going to say? What is really relevant and how can you make that message as efficient as possible and easy to listen to whilst keeping yourself in control as time is ticking?
Sessions are available in different packages and are mostly held 1-on-1
For accelerators I also provide masterclasses
Pitch Coaching Content
Support in words and alignment with pitch deck
Storytelling for pitches of 3 -5 and 10 mins
Focus on audience and the ‘ask’
Speaking speed, breathing and pronunciation
Stage fright; how to keep headspace at moments that the pressure is high
Don’t give up trying what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don’t think you can go wrong.
Ella Fitzgerald
Fill in the contact form for more information